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The Original Rebels
Every great story has a beginning, for the Rebels & Rods it was a small group of guys that would get together
on Water Street across from the old Isaac's restaurant. The small group started growing and just kept on growing!
It got too big for that space, so they moved down to the current parking lot near the East Bay Grille.

No matter how big we grow as a group, as a club, we owe a huge debt of gratitude to that original group of
guys, many of whom still come every Sunday, some of whom we have lost, but all of them are responsible for
what we have today. Below are those guys, if you see them and you enjoy our Sunday car shows, please take
a moment and just say thank you to them, they deserve it. Rebels for life.
09Tim Balboni.jpg
10Neil Falco.jpg
05Steve Nash.jpg
06Geoff Girouard.jpg
07Alan Raasch.jpg
16Joe Woods.jpg
13Steve Ennis.jpg
14Dave Clement.jpg
11Allan Furtado.jpg
17Jim Cipullo.jpg
12Carl Lincoln.jpg
18Steve Johnson.jpg
15Mike Malozzi.jpg
19Steve Surkovic.jpg
Rebels Gone to Soon
21Ricky Tautkus.jpg
20Eric Davis.jpg
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